프로그래밍 스킬 외/기술의 동향

Google IO 2016 Keynote Summary

방랑여행 2016. 5. 29. 20:07

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=862r3XS2YB0

1. Voice query, rich information

- Search with voice

- Google Photos: pick the photo you want

- Google Assistant: Conversational / Getting thing done

2. Google Home

- Powered by Google Assistant

- Manage the home things: light, thermal things, speakers, etc. 

- 'Ask google'

3. Allo: New 'smart' messaging app

- Reduces the effort of typing

- Understand the context & Suggest smart reply

- Even understands the photo

- Google assistant

- User can express emotion by adjusting the message's font size.

4. Duo: 1:1 Video Calling app

- Receiver can see the caller before picking up the phone

5. Android N Release (soon)

- Performance

- Vulkan: Direct GPU access

- Android Runtime: JIT(Just-in-time) compiler

- Faster app installation & less storage use

- Security

- File-based encryption

- Media Framework Hardening

- Seamless updates

- Productivity

- Multi-tasking

- Recent app screen: Clear all

- Quick switch: Double tap the recents button. It shows the previous app.

- Multi Window

- Multi screen

- Picture-in-picture (PIP)

- Notification

- Unicode-9 Emoji Standard

- Reply message on Notification window

6. Daydream: Virtual Reality in Android N

- Manufacturers are making daydream-ready devices.

- Requirements: VR Mode / Performance / Low latency / VR System UI

7. Android Wear 2.0

- Can operate as stand-alone (No smartphone)

- Watch face

- Messaging: New input methods: smart reply, handwriting, keyboard

- Fitness

8. Android Studio

- Speed: Faster Builds, Test recording, new Layout designer

- Smarts: APK analyzer, Layout inspector, Expanded Android code analysis, IntelliJ 2016.1

- Platform support: Enhanced Jack compiler & Java8 support, Enhanced C++ support (CMake, NDK)

9. Firebase: Mobile analytics tool

- (I don't know much about it)

10. Android Instant app: without installing the app, we can use the app.

- By downloading only 'necessary part' of the app.

- Will be supported from the Jelly Bean.

11. Machine Learning

- Alphago won SeDol Lee

- Machine arms learn how to grab objects by machine-learning.

- Computer visions, etc